Infinite Training

About Me

My name is Angella Scheffler. I have had a passion for fitness for a very long time. Started out just bettering my own body through fitness and nutrition and then i decided to embark on a fitness career to try and help others reach their goals as well. I became certified as a Personal Trainer in 2014. Next was Specialist in Fitness Nutrition in 2017. I knew these were the two certifications that would go hand in hand through my career. We need Nutrition and Fitness to work together 100%. I became certified to be a Transformation Specialist in 2020 and also an Elite Trainer and Transformation Specialist Coach. I recently obtained a certification in 2022 for Genetic Based Program Design. Now we have the tool of genetic testing to better our unique programming of your individual needs based on your genes!   All the above certifications are uniformly related. We need them all to succeed. Fitness, Nutrition and getting to the core of what got us to where we are today. How we can become better for our bodies and our mind. Finding a lifestyle we can stick with for the long haul. I am here to help discover your goals and conquer your dreams of a healthier, happier and fitter tomorrow.